

The Great Portals of Cyberspace

The great portals of cyberspace was made not to critisize modern technology itself, but the toxic, obsessed way peaople often use it. It pictures a mass psychosis, which during 2013 – the year of the smartphone revolution – made me fantasize about an alien invasion.

Since I used a lot of photage from NASA's old video archives in this project, the video was a sutable candidate for Cinespace Film festival sponsored by NASA, and became a Finalist at the festival in 2017.

Sound effects/sound design: Custom made.

The Main score that only consists of minor chords, was written and produecded by Jacob Carlson (me) under the name Galatheas Hage for this particular project.

Intro score, sampled from Plan 9 from outer space. (Public Domain)

There are no digital effects in this video, except the alien lightning bolt. Effects were made by adding a lot of different layers of footage in Premiere Pro which added to the oldschool look, but also led to a lot of computer break downs.

I partly used stock footage from old NASA-archives, and created analog effects by filming through different prismas. The mother ship (Iphone 5?) in the intro scene was shot using a red shirt as "red-screen". An important detail in the scene was the blue reflections from earth, which I had to create on location.

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